
Join our rewards program while in-store for some exclusive benefits:


For every $150 you spend, receive a $5 off coupon for your next visit!*


20% off of one item on your birthday**


10% off pre-orders and special orders (where applicable)

LCG Subscriptions—10% off new LCG releases when picked up within 2 weeks of release! Ask to be added to the subscription list!


Purchases made online automatically enroll you in the rewards program, however rewards can only be used in-store.  


*$5 rewards are good for use on the date following the date earned and expire one year after thereafter.  Only one $5 Coupon can be used per purchase.

**Birthday discount applies to customers signed up for the program before their birthday.
Birthday discount good within 7 days of actual birth date.  Discount replaces any other discount and does not stack with other discounts.  Discount is for in-stock items only.