Epic Card Game: Pantheon – Helena vs Zaltessa Card Games Wise Wizard Games

Epic Card Game: Pantheon – Helena vs Zaltessa

Wise Wizard Games

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Players: 2-4      Time: 20-40 Min      Ages: 13+

Zaltessa hunts everything under the Four Skies, even other gods. However, one is valiant enought to hunt the Huntress. Are Helena's righteous tactics enough to combat Zaltessa's lust for challenge?
Epic Card Game: Pantheon is an expansion for the Epic Card Game that's packaged in six non-random booster packs (Furios vs Maligus, Helena vs Zaltessa, Angeline vs Scara, Gareth vs Lashnok, Shadya vs Valentia, and Riksis vs Tarken), with each booster pack containing twelve new game cards, 2 deity/token cards, and 1 double sided token card.

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