Q-Workshop 3ct RuneQuest Turquoise and Gold Expansion Dice
RuneQuest Turquoise & Gold Expansion Dice
There’s no such thing as too much dice. We think that for RuneQuest one moredie will be not enough, three dice sound better. One big die and two normal beautiful dice sound awesome. Isn't it? The set is composed of one giant d20 Hit Location die, one d12 Strike Rank Indicator and one d20 Random Rune Generator. All sets are in the same color scheme as the regular Q WORKSHOP Runequest Dice Sets (Beige & Burgundy and Turquoise & Gold).
D20 RuneQuest Hit Location Die
This giant die, made with high-quality plastic, is destined for rolling and throwing on the table in the times of all battles. The names of faces indicate the chance to hit parts of the body, so it's easy to wound the leg, but a thrust through the chest will be difficult. But for playing RuneQuest this knowledge can be indeed the matter of life and death. Then you can tell epic stories on how perfectly your hero attacked the weak spot of your enemy armor. We created a tremendous die, and it's not only the size we're speaking of. We hope that you will have great rolls and many direct hits!
d12 Strike Rank Indicator
Strike Rank determines who acts first in
d20 Random Rune Generator
Many times